Our Purpose Is To Serve You!

We’re With You For Life’s Journeys!

Get in touch with us!


To Serve, Guide and Support: That is Our Purpose


purpose statement seneca savings

| Purpose Statement |



For every member of the communities we serve, who are striving for a better life — whatever matters most to them, is what matters most to us.

Providing in-depth financial resources, ease of access, and insights to meet people wherever they’re at in their life’s journey, is our devotion.

By creating sincere and meaningful connections through reliable and well-planned tools, technologies, tutorials, strategies and personal relationships…

We help our valued customers and employees realize their dreams, guiding them toward their greatest prosperity. Giving customers and employees alike, a sense of confidence, of certainty, knowing we’re with them all the way is our focus.

We are all connected. It is only when our customers, employees, and communities prosper, that we prosper.



Financial Information

We’re proud of our service to the community and our community bank status. If you would like in-depth financial information on Seneca Savings, including balance sheet, income statement, performance and condition ratios, or demographic information, click here to access the FDIC’s Institutional Directory database. Our FDIC Certificate # is 29496. Then close the browser window to return to our website.



TitleContactPhone Ext. or Direct Line
President and CEOJoseph Vitale315-638-0233
Executive Vice President - CFOVincent Fazio315-303-3331
Senior Vice President Retail Banking Laurie Ucher315-303-3370
Senior Vice President Commercial LendingAngelo Testani315-303-3337
Senior Vice President OperationsJamie Nastri315-303-3371
Vice President
Commercial Lending
Ken Jardin315-303-3346
Vice President ControllerTom Mavretish315-303-3031
Marketing OfficerEarl Monday315-638-0233 ext. 110
IT Coordinator/Security OfficerJohn James Pagan315-303-3326
Assistant Vice President Residential LendingRebecca Smith315-303-3318
BSA OfficerRebecca Derouin315-638-0233 ext. 139
Director of HRScott Turner315-638-0233 ext. 147
Assistant Vice President of OperationsJillian Manning315-638-0233 ext. 145
VP Of Community Relations & Business DevelopmentRachel Siderine315-753-4037
Assistant Vice President Accounting AssistantFrancis Valchine III315-638-0233 ext. 124
Assistant Vice President Credit AnalystCynthia Bunnell315-638-0233 ext. 111
Branch Manager, North Syracuse Terry Marsala315-303-3369
Branch Manager, BridgeportCourtney Kelly315-753-4030
Branch Manager, BaldwinsvilleTim Hanno315-638-0233 ext. 146
Branch Manager, Liverpool Sarah Elmer315-766-2136 ext. 307
Branch Manager,
Laurie Johnson315-753-4040 ext. 510


Board Of Directors

Mark ZamesChairman of the Board
Joseph G. VitaleDirector
Vincent FazioDirector
James HickeyDirector
Kimberly BoyntonDirector
William Le BeauDirector
Mike DuteauDirector